Bamed Again!
Yep, it happened again! I put my trust in someone, and bam--just like that I got let down AGAIN. It's becoming so common in my life that it doesn't even really bother me, I'm almost numb to it.
So the "new guy" that I talked about last week, the one coming into town for a few days, he's the one that bamed me! He came into town last week, and I met him and some of his buddies for dinner. It was wonderful sitting and talking to this guy that I hadn't seen in a couple of months. We had talked on the phone a little and e-mailed a little more, so it was nice to be back in his company. Well I had a great time on Thursday. We ended up sitting outside at my house drinking Margaritas and talking, I had so much fun. We talked about everything. We talked about what we would do the rest during the rest of his visit (which was 5 nights total), and he told me about some parties that we would go to. I was having so much fun with him. And he loved Louie Vuitton!
Friday, I again went out to dinner with him and some of his friends, then we had planned on going downtown. Well due to lack of sleep the night before, and an early day for him on Saturday, we decided that we would just get some wine and sit out back at my house. I introduced him to my neighbor, and we all sat outside for awhile. It was great. I learned so much more about him by listening to him and my neighbor talk. He was so sweet, so funny, kind, interesting, smart, and so good looking. When he went in the house to get another glass of wine my neighbor just gushed over how good of a person he seemed to be.
There was absolutely NO indication of what would happen next. Saturday morning he told me he would call me and we would go to the gym the next day then we would go out to dinner and downtown. That night was supposed to be a huge party night, and I was really excited about spending more time with him. Especially since he would be leaving town again on Tuesday (tomorrow). But, he never called. Not once! I never heard from him on Saturday or yesterday. Saturday I sat around and waited until I knew it was obvious we would not meet up that night, then I went out with some friends of mine. I wasn't really sad about the whole thing, I would say surprised was more how I felt. Anyway, yesterday I hung out with my neighbor and her family all day. Keeping my cell phone close. But still nothing. I haven't sat and fumed about it. But I do wonder what exactly happened. He just never called again. This is like a habit with me and dating. I always date guys who NEVER call back.
I will admit that I have analyzed this situation just a little. I have thought about it. Was it something I did? Was it something he said and I didn't pick up on it? I honestly can't come up with anything. This is the first time that I really can't come up with any excuse at all. He seemed like he was really into me. I scanned that book, "He's Just Not That Into You" yesterday, looking for a clue. And there was nothing-other than the fact that he just never called again. But leading up to that there was no sign. I also reviewed the "Rules" book again, but nothing there either. I played it out perfectly. I don't know what happened. So I have come up with a few theories--with the help of my good friend DCShiraz.
He and the guy that he just happens to know, that I just happen to used to date a little where in on this together. What if he (new guy) and the other guy planned this in some evil scheme to get me back for falling out of touch with the other guy. What if the new guy, so mature and in his 30's, was immature enough to go along with this? But honestly I can't see two people putting enough time and effort into this just to get back at me. That seems a little psycho-which I didn't think either guy was, and a little bit like they don't have anything better to do.
What if the new guy was in a terrible accident? Maybe he was attacked by bears and both arms where torn off, so he can't dial the phone, or send an e-mail.
What if he got bitten by a monkey and has Ebola virus?
What if something terrible happened in his family and he had to rush home, and he just hasn't even thought to call me because he is so distraught and busy?
What if he lost his phone?--this theory won't work though, since he has my e-mail address and knows where I live.
What if he got amnesia? He doesn't even remember me, so he will never think to call me back?
I don't think any of these theories will work. But I just don't know what happened. DCShiraz and I where trying to decide if I should just send him an e-mail that says, blah, blah, just wanted to know you got back okay. I did have a good time Thursday and Friday night, thanks so much, I hope the rest of your visit was good. But then again, my pride would prefer me to think he got attacked by a bear, and would never be able to answer my e-mail anyway, so it would just be a waste to send it.
So once again, my commitment issues are reinforced with a crappy situation like this. Just when I meet a guy and let my guard down a little bit. He bams me, and I remember why I don't want to commit.
I am still truly baffled about this one. I thought about it some more after we spoke, and I cannot figure it out!! And the fact that he's 32 makes it even more weird. I mean, if men can't grow up by the time they turn 32, what are the women of the world to do? Date 50 year olds in hopes that they are finally mature enough to handle a *gasp* relationship? But who are we kidding? You weren't even looking for a relationship!!! You made this abundantly clear to him! Yeah...I'm clueless on this one.
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