Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A Lighter Shade of Rose Colored

At what point do the rose colored glasses come off? At what point to you see someone for who they really are, and not how they want to be perceived? I wonder about these things, especially now as I've come to realize that things aren't even close to how I thought they were.

In the beginning things were great, on the surface everything was lovely. Then some of that pink started to fade. Maybe we fought to much, maybe I realized that they were not the people I thought them to be. Maybe I got tired of the constant demands, the rude behavior, the attitude. Maybe those things were there all along, but I was so blinded by my rose colored glasses that I never really saw them. For that matter I never really saw myself.

The glasses are gone though, and I see a lot of things for the first time. And even though I'm happy I see things more clearly, I also miss the days when I didn't see the truth, things were a lot easier.


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