Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Dear Friend,

For some reason today, I miss you more than ever. I've felt myself on the verge of tears all day, and trying to hold it together. I had a dream about you last night friend. A dream so vivid and so real that when I woke up I wasn't sure if it was a dream at all. For a little bit I argued my common sense that it had just actually happened.

In my dream friend, you and I sat talking. I held on to your arm with both hands, and we just talked. I told you about how I read your eulogy. You told me things I can't seem to remember now, things about that day. That's the thing about dreams I guess, no matter how real they seem, parts are still a little foggy.

I was so happy to see you friend, in my dream. I hugged you, and smiled and laughed, it was so real. Maybe I miss you so much today because of my dream. Did you put this dream into my sleep last night to tell me something?

I told you in the dream I hadn't forgotten about you, and just because I haven't cried in a couple days doesn't mean I'm forgetting about you. I hope you don't think that could ever happen.

Oh friend I miss you so much. It's going to be a tough Thanksgiving going home and knowing that you are supposed to be there. It's going to make for a tougher Christmas being home without you.

Please visit my dreams whenever you want. If that's the only way I get to talk to you, I'll take it. I miss you dear friend, and I'll love you always.

Love Anne


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