The "eX" Factor
When you get to a certain age, you have a certain amount of ex's. Some of which you dated a few times, some of which you dated for quite a while, some you don't remember, and some you can't seem to forget or avoid for that matter.
No matter what, unless you move states and in some situations this doesn't even help, you always bump into an ex eventually. Hopefully it's pleasant for both people involved, namely the new person in your life. But it's not always an easy situation, and when this happens, what do you do?
Well as I've stated before, an ex is an ex for a reason. This is important to remember when dealing with and ex and a current at the same time. So, while I may not be the best judge of how to deal with an ex, I am a semi pro when it comes to ex's. I do have 100's, and that's not an exaggeration. The number one thing I remember when I bump into an ex with my current, is that it's not about me, it's about the current, and how he feels in the situation.
So, if you can't be civil around an ex, if he/she is just way to psycho, crazy, insert any word here that's a synonym, then just grab your current and do one of three things. Be polite, introduce them, and move along, lay a big one on the current, you know the type, the movie star kiss, the one that lets EVERYONE know you're together (either that or you're very hammered), or turn and run the other direction. Oh, and don't forget to drag your current with you, obviously if you leave the current, you may be the next ex.
Good one Anne
Yes. I liked this one....considerate and smart. Your current is a lucky guy.
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