Monday, September 18, 2006


It turns out that after all of my worrying, and wondering about how the game would play out this past weekend, he wouldn't even make it to the court. Thursday night we decided, (by we I mean me and a few glasses of wine) that it would be better if he spent the weekend in Mississippi. After talking to the MS Boy, it was pretty obvious that this was going to be more of a good bye weekend instead of a "lets work on us weekend". So I told him to stay in MS, and that if he did come to LR I wouldn’t be there to meet him at the airport.

Harsh words coming from such a sweet southern girl, but my feelings were hurt, and I felt like he had wasted my time. So, instead of hoping for a three point shot at the buzzer, I benched him. I felt a little regretful on Friday, especially when he kept text messaging me asking me what I was doing and telling me he wished he was in LR with me. But on Saturday I went to Jonesboro, my old college stomping ground. I haven't been back since I graduated several years ago. It was great, just what I needed to take my mind of things and put be back in the game.

MS Boy called me last night, and we talked like we used to, it was great. But after the conversation ended I was left feeling a little hallowed by it. Does he just want to be my friend, a friend that used to talk like a guy that used to like me more as a friend? Does he want to keep me around on a string? Or does he think that one day maybe he will get off the bench and back into the game? I just don't know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes as girls we guard ourselves so we can be viewed as STRONG and we don't want to let anything or anyone get to us. Especially if we have been hurt before. But I think in this situation you need to be a good coach and have a stern talk with your player. Put yourself on the line and see what happens, knowing for sure is better than wondering.

I have a bad habit of benching players too quick. As soon as there is the slightest chance of me being hurt I quit playing and I have missed out on a lot of great games!!!

Jonesboro was my old stomping ground to hope you enjoyed it!!!

7:38 AM  

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