Monday, November 14, 2005

The Art Of Being Alone

There is a certain art to being alone. It's not something everyone can do. You must be comfortable with yourself to successfully be alone, and not go crazy. There are many different types of alone. Alone because you work to much, alone because you chose to be, alone because you can't find the right person to be with you.

I have been alone for each one of these reasons during the past year and a half. I have worked in a job that consumed so much of my time that I couldn't make time for myself, much less anyone else. I worked crazy hours, ate junk food and drank tons of gallons of soda to keep me going. The only thing I did for myself during this time was take 30 minutes a day to go for a run, and even this was to make me more productive so I wouldn't get completely stressed out. It was probably the most unhappy time of my life. I barely saw my family, rarely saw my friends, I was very much alone.

Now I am happier, settled, and working in a much healthier environment. For the first time since I left my parents home I am content. I'm not constantly looking for something to change, something to modify to make me happy. I have my Louie V, and I have a wonderful neighbor that I talk with regularly. I have gotten reacquainted with my friends, made some new ones, and I've filled my free time with things I want to do and enjoy. I'm not alone, well not entirely. I have friends, I have a dog, but I still don't have that one person that fills the other voids in my life. I still don't have a "love of my life". Don't get me wrong, I'm dating, and I'm enjoying it. I have met someone, but it's still new, it's still young.

I have always been the kind of person who enjoys my alone time. I like staying in my little routine, and I like making time for the things I like. I guess I would say I like being selfish. That is what makes you able to handle being alone. You have to be strong, you have to be able to handle being by yourself and not freaking out. Not calling someone to come over for the sake of having someone there, or bringing someone home for the sake of not sleeping alone (this has never been my habit). It has taken me a long time to get to this place, where I can do things for myself, by myself and not feel sad that it's just me. Well just me and Louie V!


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