Monday, November 07, 2005

The Mean Girl

When you grow up in a small town, there is always some sort of drama. There is always a marriage breaking up, someone having an affair, or someone getting into some kind of trouble. There is always lots to talk about, and there are always people happy to gossip about something that has nothing to do with them. A good friend of mine left our small hometown a couple of years ago. He left behind friends, family, and a crazy ex-girlfriend that has tormented him for years. He is finally living his own life, he's finally away from the gossip and the drama. He is finally happy and settled! But just when he thinks he has escaped our small hometown and all it's drama, the mean girl shows up again.

Rewind back to 2001. He and the mean girl had just started dating. They knew each other their whole lives, she came from a family that didn't have a very good reputation, and he came from a wonderful family. She was a little rough around the edges, he overlooked it. They dated for a few months, and even though they liked each other, he had decided that he didn't want a girlfriend when he moved away to college. She was a couple of years younger than him, and there wasn't much of a chance that she would go to college anyway. So when summer rolled around, they broke up, and he spent the next month preparing to move away to school and fending her off. She would drive by his house and yell obscenities, call in the middle of the night and hang up, and generally just make his life miserable. Finally he got away from her and moved off to college.

In April of his freshman year, he was back in our small hometown visiting a good friend of his that was in the Navy and living in California. The Navy friend had come home, so the two guys got together and went out to our downtown area to make "the loop" and meet up with other friends of theirs. My friend was driving the Navy friends car, when the mean girl appeared in the same parking lot they where driving through. She was clearly intoxicated and began yelling and cursing at my friend as he slowly drove through the lot. She was so intoxicated that she tried to swing at my friend through the open car window. She fell to the ground and my friend accidentally ran over her with the Navy friends car. Her leg was broken in a couple of places, it was just the beginning of years of drama to come for my friend. The mean girl fled the scene before the cops could show up and went to the hospital. My friend asked the local cops if he should fine a report since she left the scene of an accident. The cops assured him that she was totally liable since she left, and my friend went home to tell his parents of his bad luck.

The next day my friend took flowers and candy to the girl while she was still in the hospital. He was so sorry about the accident, he apologized to her so many times. She told my friend not to worry that everything was okay, and she was not going to do anything about the accident. He thought it was over and done. Then a few weeks later she filed a civil suite against his insurance company and the friend whose car was involved. She got A LOT of money out of the deal. It drug on for quite sometime, and my friend was pretty relieved when it was finally over with.

Four and a half years later my friend lives on the East Coast, is in school, has a serious girlfriend, and is doing great. He is happy and successful, he has finally escaped from the drama and the mean girl. Or so he thought.

Over the weekend my friends mom was carrying in groceries when a man showed up with a subpoena for my friend to appear in court. His mom didn't know who was filing suite against her son, she was very surprised to see it was the mean girl. The statute of limitations is up next spring, but the girl has decided to file a $100,000.00 suite against my friend. Four and a half years later, and my friend can't get away from his past. The mean girl has no reoccurring injuries/illnesses from the accident, she is in good health, and my friend has no idea why she would being suing him again.

So now the debate is weather or not he should come home before next spring. If they don't serve him with the papers, then the statute of limitation will be up and he won't have to worry about the mean girl any more. But if he goes back to our hometown, there is a chance he will get served and have to miss school and work to come back and forth for court. Not to mention the money involved.

It's a lot of drama, and a huge mess. This girl is absolutely, without a doubt, crazy. In the past four years she has been married and divorced, had a baby, sued both of her parents separately, had a boob job, and I have no idea what else she has done. But from the sounds of it, she is making a career our of going to court, and my good friend is just another victim of the mean girl.

I thought this was worth writing about since I have written about some of the crazy guys I have dated. I thought it was important to tell my friends story, and to explain what it was like growing up in my small hometown.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:03 PM  
Blogger Anisa said...

OMG! I feel SO sorry for your friend. We've all dated the wrong people, and it sucks that this psycho won't leave him alone!

I hope it eventually passes and nothing happens to him.

12:00 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

Hopefully he will be able to at least come home for the holidays without fear that he will get served.
You know the crazy thing is most of us don't consider how someone we date can affect our life 4 years down the road. I know I sure don't. It's sad that my friend has to deal with such a crazy girl after all this time.

1:27 PM  

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