Friday, June 23, 2006

I Like What We Have Too

Things aren't perfect, but what's perfect? Things aren't always happy, but the good times WAY outweigh the bad. We have flaws, but everyone has flaws. We aren't a brand new couple any more, it's been a few months. There are some things I don't just love about him, but I'm sure he has his things too.

It's been long enough, and we've spent enough time together that, for me, it's time to consider a few things. Is this just an attraction, an infatuation, or could this be something that has some longevity? How would I feel if it ended, would it be difficult for me?

These thoughts have been in my head a little, especially since we had a little drama a few weeks back. But last night, it sorta made sense. He said to me, "Anne, I like what we have." I let it sink it, and I realized, we are going to disagree about things, we are going to piss each other off sometimes, we aren't perfect. But, I like what we have too.


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