Monday, February 13, 2006

Screw Cupid

I've never been a big fan of Valentines Day. Even when I was in grade school and there wasn't the pressure of the "romantic holiday", I didn’t like it. I always took cards to my classmates, and I always wondered how many cards I would get in return. I hated sorting through all of the cards that said things like "Be Mine" and trying to figure out who to give these to so that no one would think I had a crush on them. I know this all seems very childish, but even then I was conscious of my actions. The "Happy Valentines Day Friend" would go to the boy I didn't think was cute, while the "Will You Bee My Honey Bear" card would go to the cute boy in the class. Even then it was not something I looked forward to.

Now, I don't really hate it, I just don't see the point. I don't want to sound pessimistic, but I think it's more of a holiday for card and candy companies. Unless you met your "true love" on Valentines Day, or it was your first date, or it has some real meaning besides just being February 14th, what's the point? I think Valentines Day just serves to put pressure on people to make romantic gestures that aren't necessarily from the heart, but are done more for show. I don't want that kind of gesture.

Now, before I become one of those, "she only hates Valentines Day because she doesn't have a man" type girls, let me assure you this is not the case. I feel like this every year, boyfriend or not, and I don't hate Valentines Day, I just don't like what it's become.

I have very nice plans tomorrow tonight, I'm not going to sit at home and mope--like I would anyway. I'm very excited about them, but I will assure you they will be without stupid, empty romantic gestures.

So Cupid, when your out flying around tomorrow night passing out love and blah, blah, blah, feel free to just fly right by my house, I’m not interested. I don't want anything your giving away this year.


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