I guess after my last few terrible entries, it's pretty obvious that I go on a lot of dates. Or at least I meet a lot of guys. I don't always have an official "date", a lot of times it's more of a "me and my friends and he and his friends" all meet up type thing. And even then it doesn't always turn into a future date. A lot of times it turns into a big group of people all meeting up several weekends in a row, everyone has fun, and no one really dates within the group. I have come to find that me and my girlfriends love this type of weekend. We love to have a large group of people that are fun and trustworthy to go out with.
A few months ago me and my best girlfriends found ourselves in this exact situation. We met a group of guys that all work together. For a few weeks we all hung out together. There was always between six and 15 of us, and we had a blast. We went to see local bands, we watched movies, we "partied like rock stars". Then, some of the guys moved off, and that was the end of our fun little group. During that time, I dated one of the guys in the group. We dated for about three weeks or so, and then we both moved, far away from each other. I landed in North Carolina, and didn't stay long before I moved back to Arkansas. We tried to stay in touch, and the idea of trying to keep seeing each other, despite the distance, was discussed. In the end, I knew me. I knew what I wanted, and I didn't want to date someone I got to see every couple of months. So that was that. He was a great guy, but not the great guy for me ( or at least that is my philosophy when I meet a great guy, but the timing is all wrong). But there was no hard feelings, no cross words, in fact we have since e-mailed just to check on each other. These check in's are exactly how I would e-mail a friend, guy or girl, to check on them, very casual, very non-personal.
Then, back in August, I met this really nice guy at a bar in Arkansas. We talked for a few hours, it was great. Not awkward, not uncomfortable, we just chatted, and I gave him my phone number. He doesn't live around here, so I haven't seen him since that night. But we have e-mailed a couple of times a week, and we occasionally talked on the phone. However, it's by no means going anywhere serious, at least not right now. He is going to be in town next week. I am actually very excited about this. I am not really seeing anyone and I am ready to get a little attention from the opposite sex. ( I actually get this attention daily, but it's from my little dog Louie V) So turns out that the guy that had the great group of friends, and the new guy that will be in town soon work together. Turns out they know each other, turns out I forwarded an e-mail to both of them, and turns out they both ask me about the other one. (Seriously what are the odds that his could happen?? How random!) So, I explained the story to the new guy; it was fun, we both moved away, he's a great guy, but not the great guy for me, blah, blah, blah. Of course the great group of friends guy also called me out on this, and he just laughed and said he thought the new guy was a pretty good guy.
So one thing the new guy has told me is that in his line of work, with all the traveling, it's not often he meets a smart, cute, funny girl who is not married. (I hope he was talking about me!!) He even went so far as to tell his friends about me, so we could all meet up when they are in town. So now I wonder if the new guy has the same opinion of me? I didn't do anything wrong. Even if I would have been casually dating someone (which I wasn't) it would have been okay to talk to the new guy when I first met him. But it seems like the new guy, is a very nice guy. He seems to come from a good family (as do I), love sports (as do I), and works out often (as do I-in fact we are going to the gym next week to see if he can keep up with my running regimen). It seems like we have a lot in common. So this doubt in my mind creeps into my thoughts every once in awhile. I have been completely honest with the new guy, but it must have been strange to be approached by the great group of friends guy. Okay, backtrack, when I sent the e-mail, great group of friends guy stopped the new guy and ask him if he knew me. At this the new guy said he did, he had met me about a month ago in Arkansas. Then great group of friends guy said he dated me for a bit when he was in Arkansas. This would definitely have freaked me out a little, or at least made me wonder just how many people this new person had dated that I knew.
Okay, I am really rambling.
What I am really trying to decide is if the new guy still thinks I'm sweet, funny, cute, etc. or if he thinks I date waaaaaaay to much. We broached this subject on the phone recently, and he said he was totally fine with it, but he would definitely aggravate me about it in the future. Maybe I am just over thinking the situation. Then again, maybe I got busted!