Another Year
Tomorrow is my birthday. I will now be considered in my mid-twenties instead of my early twenties. Another year has gone by, and nothing has changed much. Lot's has changed. I have lost over fifteen pounds, I've moved into a job that can be considered a career, I've moved into a house and out of an apartment, I've split ties with my best friends from college and I've bought a dog. I don't mind being alone, I appreciate routine and consistency, I healthier and happier. I'm more mature, I'm an adult, I'm a woman.
At this time a year ago I was getting ready to go to New Orleans with my mom on our annual trip. We both loved the city, and we usually stayed for a several days. We would shop, eat, drink, and have mother/daughter time. It was great! Taking that trip with her is one of my favorite memories. Last year at this time I was still attempting to win my ex-boyfriend from home back. I was still calling him, still listening to his bs, still letting him control me. Last year at this time I was sort of dating a guy that is now engaged with a child on the way. (I just found this out yesterday, and little did I know he was dating his now baby momma when he was supposedly dating me. Funny how that happens) Last year at this time I went out with my two best girl friends every weekend night. We where inseparable, now we hardly speak. Last year at this time I was starting a new job. Last year at this time I wasn't really happy, I was just content.
I'm much different than I was at this time last year. I no longer look to people to make me happy. I have decided that if I'm not happy I can't begin to make someone else happy. I think about my future more, instead of just living for the moment. I try not to judge people, and I listen to ideas that don't necessarily match my own. I pray more, and I try to be a better person. But I still like to have fun!
So tomorrow is my birthday. I'm actually a little sad about it. It's not really going to be special. I know that sounds childish, but I was raised in a family where birthdays where special. My family goes all out for holidays, birthdays included. This one is sort of a milestone, yet I won't see my family, and most of my friends have things they need to do tomorrow, moving out "night out" back to Friday or Saturday. I know I shouldn't be sad, but it's going to be just like any other day. My neighbor is taking me out to dinner, which I am looking forward to, but my family won't be there. I'll miss that a little. That's one thing that hasn't changed about me. When it comes to my family, I would still rather see them and spend time with them as much as possible.
Wonder what I'll be doing that this time next year? Will I be married with a baby on the way?--I'll put money on that not happening. Will I still live in my same little house with Louie V? Will I have a better job, a nicer car, a new set of friends? I wonder?